Boat Dives

Dive sites around Kingston are accessible for divers of all skill levels. Some wrecks are deep and require technical diving skills, while other dive sites are used for training Open Water divers. The water remains cold below the thermocline during the diving season, which is primarily May through October. Deep sites are often in perfect condition, with little deterioration.

Aloha / Effie Mae

Moored - Open


Survey Needed


Survey Needed

City of Sheboygan

Moored - Open


Moored - Open


Moored - Open

Dredge Islander

Survey Needed

"Dupont Salvage Scow"

Survey Needed

Edith Sewell

Survey Needed


Survey Needed


Moored - Open


Not Moored / Survey Needed

Garden Island Wrecks

Not Moored / Survey Needed

George A. Marsh

Moored - Open

George T. Davie

Moored - Open


Moored - Open

Hilda (Tec)

Survey Needed

Horace Taber

Survey Needed

Katie Eccles

Moored - Open


Moored - Open

Londonderry (Tec)

Survey Needed


Not moored, needs new line/buoy - planned for 2024

"Monkey Wrench"

Not Moored / Survey Needed


Moored - Open

"Queen Mary"

Not Moored / New Buoy Needed


Survey Needed

S.M. Douglas

Not Moored / Survey Needed

"Terry's Tug" / Tardis II

Not Moored / Survey Needed


Not Moored / New Buoy Needed


Survey Needed

William Jamieson

Not Moored / Survey Needed

William Johnston

Not Moored / Survey Needed

Wolfe Islander II

Moored - Open

The local shipwreck protection organization is Preserve Our Wrecks Kingston, whose goal is the preservation, cataloging and promotion of responsible shipwreck diving in the greater Kingston area. Please consider becoming a member of POW Kingston. Your membership fees and donations directly help maintaining the moorings.